Javier Mayans Martorell
director: Francisco Giner Martínez
UniversidadPolitécnica de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
enteramente con/Completely built in: Processing
pFaceDetect. (Chung, B. 2008) web no longer available.
jMyron. (Nimoy, et al. 2002) [cited March 2011] In:
controlP5 (Schlegel, A. 2010) [cited March 2011] In:
the project are shown some interfaces simulating the access to
personal data through face recognition, their edition and
augmented-reality-like display upon the image of the user.
other research lines will be introduced in a more artistic-thoughtful
way about the awareness of self-identity or the access to it through
face and some disorders affecting to it and its perception.
Trial: This trial is meant to be a first approach to the combination of the different libraries for Processing with which more complex exercises will be developed further on.
A user will be able to include and edit his/her own personal information, shown on the screen.
Clicking at the face, a menu is displayed. Each buttom has each own options. We can enter the info to the options and display them upon the user's image.
Trial: This trial is meant to be a first approach to the combination of the different libraries for Processing with which more complex exercises will be developed further on.
A user will be able to include and edit his/her own personal information, shown on the screen.
Clicking at the face, a menu is displayed. Each buttom has each own options. We can enter the info to the options and display them upon the user's image.
General Information: This interface simulates the display of user's data through face recognition. With it, a user will be able to access to other's
By clicking the face area, a main menu will appear beside the face which will allow to view the information divided in first aid data, academic/professional data and criminal/prosecuting data (trying to imaging a less agresivecontrol by authorities)*. The two last ones a submenu with their own data.
By clicking the face area, a main menu will appear beside the face which will allow to view the information divided in first aid data, academic/professional data and criminal/prosecuting data (trying to imaging a less agresivecontrol by authorities)*. The two last ones a submenu with their own data.
The information is shown on a background that makes it possible to read
it without the image behind interfering in it. The side where the
data are shown will depend on the proximity of the face to the right
or left border of the screen.
*The acces to the information is meant to be limited: a user won't be able
to access compromising data (such as prosecuting ones) of another
user if he/she has not permission to do it, as it would be the case
of authorities.
Medical Information:
The interface simulates the access to medical data by professional
doctors. The data can be introduced in the records of a person, and
the display of those previously introduced will be more user
The access is possible by clicking the log-in button, showing a main menu, allowing to choose the information we want to introduce or display.
In both sections of data introduction and display, the option are divided by features. Clicking on them, the corresponding functions will be allowed.
To introduce the data, a side panel will offer a drop list with different diagnosis. Once one of them is selected, it will be possible to complete with some observations. By adding it to the patient's personal list, it will be displayed in the side panel and also as an diagram upon patient's image.
To see the medical records a timeline will allow us to choose the year where we can find a list of checkup dates at the side panel. By clicking on one of them we can see the diagnosis' data as we did in the data introduction.
The access is possible by clicking the log-in button, showing a main menu, allowing to choose the information we want to introduce or display.
In both sections of data introduction and display, the option are divided by features. Clicking on them, the corresponding functions will be allowed.
To introduce the data, a side panel will offer a drop list with different diagnosis. Once one of them is selected, it will be possible to complete with some observations. By adding it to the patient's personal list, it will be displayed in the side panel and also as an diagram upon patient's image.
To see the medical records a timeline will allow us to choose the year where we can find a list of checkup dates at the side panel. By clicking on one of them we can see the diagnosis' data as we did in the data introduction.
Pieces about the changes of identity through physical distortion of the face.
Pieces about the changes of identity through physical distortion of the face.
Puzzle face:
Prosopagnosia (face blindness) is a disorder that doesn’t allow people to relate
features inside the same face and, thus , it’s hard to recognize a
person throughout his/her face. Here, features are placed
randomly to make the illusion generated by this disorder.
Identity's flight:
Technology and social networks bring us new ways of being related to others. This can change interpersonal communication and, at the same time, our personality, which is a result of it. Here, identity is distorted by the lack of physical communication, visualized as changing faces.
Some surgeries can distort faces. After them, patients undergo a psicological adaptation and they can feel that those changes affect some identity aspects. Here, other people’s features are superimposed on the user’s one to fake this kind of sensations.
MultiId in MIMAA'12 Festival (Valencia Spain):
Symmetrical Correction:
We usually think our body is symmetrical, but it’s not. This comes clear when symmetry is applied to faces, and that is what is done here. One face can suggest two different identities, depending on the half to be duplicated.